Monday, November 29, 2010

Shin Pain

Shin pain is one of the more common complaints in runners or hikers. These are conditions where stress if being placed on the Tibia and causing pain in the shin area. This is usually a result of bad shoes/no foot support/improper socks and the list can go on and on. It is important to get an x-ray when having shin pain to r/o fracture or stress fracture. Often times modifying the shoe and exercise routine, with some support can help relieve this pain. Call the office today if you are having pain for an initial evaluation.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Diabetic Foot Care

It is the time of year when Diabetic foot care is so critical. The weather is cold and the blood vessels in the foot constrict causing a restriction in potential blood flow. Items such as diabetic foot washes/creams/socks and shoes can all be benficial. Proper fitting is crucial. Most insurance plans cover diabetic shoes and custom inserts. Consult our office for a consultation. Also in our office patients can pick-up diabetic socks and creams. Be prepared this year.