Thursday, December 29, 2011

Staying Fit in the Winter

Staying Fit in the Winter
It's easy to maintain a good fitness routine when the weather outside is inviting. During the fall and spring months, the gently warm, not-too-cool atmosphere almost begs you to go outside and get active. In the winter, it's a different story - the harsh cold does all but lock your doors and physically prevent you from going for a run or bike ride.
However, it's important to stay healthy, even in the dead of winter. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says the average American needs at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to stay healthy. Here are some tips to keep up with your fitness routine despite the bitter cold.
Be On the Go
If you've got a nearby errand to run, or if your office is within biking distance, try biking instead of driving. Since you have to get to these places anyway, why not combine the commute with your daily exercise, too? Even when it's cold, you can distract yourself by being on an important mission. Besides, your body will generate heat and warm you up once you get going.
Buddy Up
Find a partner to exercise with. When you have a partner, you're held accountable to your workout and are less likely to skip it. Plus, it makes working out that much more fun when you can socialize at the same time.
Be Fashion Forward
Go ahead and invest in the proper winter attire. There is nothing more miserable than exercising when it's cold out and not being properly dressed. Layers are useful because you can peel them off when your body warms up and put them back on when you cool down, ensuring maximum comfort.
Mix it Up
Be sure to keep your workouts fresh. Go running one day, then try biking the next, and then try rock climbing the next, and so on. Not only does it keep you from getting bored, but it keeps your body from getting in a rut, causing you to burn more calories and fat.
Do What You Like
If you hate running, don't try to take it up during the winter months just because you feel like you "should." Because you're already predisposed to pass on working out in winter, focus on activities you actually enjoy. You're obviously more likely to stick with them that way.
Hopefully these tips will help you stay active during the winter season. Though it can be extremely difficult, the benefits of exercising are innumerous. So, get out there and do it!

Monday, March 28, 2011


I wanted to make sure everyone was aware that a Newsletter for Summer will be coming out in April 2011. If you or a friend would like a copy of this please email me or respond to the blog with your email address. The newsletter will be going out via email. I hope this Summers newsletter helps you become even more aware of your Foot and Ankle care or needs.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Shoe Gear

A lot of people are approaching me now concerned about shoe gear. What is the best style? What is the best brand? These are great questions. However, difficult questions to answer. It is always easier for me to see you as a patient and determine your foot biomechanics. Get an idea of how you walk/run. Ask questions about your running and the terrain you run on. Comfort is always one of the most important factors when trying on new shoes. I would also tell you that fit is equally important. If you have more questions about shoes call our office today.